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Education for All Squid School

Mobile swim school based in central Minnesota!

By Arianna Larson October 20, 2023

Education for All Squid School is a new offering in the Brainerd Lakes Area that teaches safe swimming to young children. Read on to learn more about Education for All Squid School. 

Who are we? 

We are a family owned and operated mobile swim school that specializes in true drown prevention/self-rescue swim lessons. Why? Because we lose 11 people a day to drowning. The majority of those are children and over 72% were fully clothed at the time. Drowning is an epidemic and a pandemic that is fast and silent. Every child that drowns today had parents that lived in the "not my child” or “I don’t have the time or money for lessons” world. The Olympic swimmer who lost a child to drowning admitted on national TV that they lived in the time and money world.

Education for All Squid School, per parent account, has 8 children that survived their water emergency because of the lessons they learned in Squid School. That is 8 parents who took their child home for supper vs 11 families (a day) that are planning a funeral. Families from 12 states and 1 foreign country attended our lessons. They state there is nothing like us anywhere else.

What makes us unique?

There are three types of swim lessons offered. The first being typical community-based leisure lessons which often are WSI/Red Cross and YMCA lessons sometimes called "learn to swim programs." Then we have "competitive lessons." These are the lessons taught in swim club, swim teams, and other competitive swim programs. Education for All Squid School is the third type of swim lesson called "drown prevention/self-rescue lessons." We are the newest type of lessons born out of a drown rate that just keeps climbing. Squid Schools’ lessons are cutting edge lessons as no one else is doing what we do. Our lessons teach basic swimming skills-- first and foremost the skills needed to survive a mixture of common water related emergencies. We teach in a fun, out of the box way that involves the parents in a variety of ways. 

Certifications and backgrounds

We are nationally certified to work with typical kids as well as neuro, health, and developmentally challenged kids. We pride ourselves on always pursuing continuing education. We bring an aquatic background, medical background, and a child development background to the table to create a safe child-centered program that saves lives.

While most swim program’s goal is student retention; AKA how long can they keep you coming to lessons. The industry average is 7 years! Our goal is to get your child as safe as possible as fast as possible with the successful completion of a milestone. At each milestone your child is as safe as we can get them for their age and development.

Multiple lesson options

We offer private lessons, semiprivate lessons, family lessons, and group lessons. We are mobile and don’t own the pools we use. Being mobile allows us to impact kids in a wide variety of communities thanks to generous pool owners. In Crosby, MN we currently offer group lessons on Thursday mornings. In addition, we offer private, semiprivate, and family lessons on designated weekends.

We encourage questions and family interaction!

Find Education for All Swim School on the web here!

Find them on both Facebook and Instagram!

Want to connect directly? Send them an email at education4allmn@yahoo.com!

Be sure to read their Google reviews, too.  

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