
Black Belts Don't Quit

Area Non- Profit Seeking Your Help at the Crow Wing County Fair

By Arianna Larson July 10, 2023

What is the meaning of a black belt?

"That’s something only the person wearing it can decide. But, the Black Belts Don’t Quit Foundation decided it means not giving up on people. That it means uplifting your community." These are the words of Brent Haney, one of BBDQ’s black belt supporters.

As the Crow Wing County Fair comes back around for the Brainerd Lakes Area, we want to bring to your attention one of the new booths you can visit this year: the Black Belts Don’t Quit Foundation Milk Booth. Black Belts Don’t Quit (BBDQ) was created by and for Brainerd locals, with the goal of bringing free karate to as many youths in the area as possible. This nonprofit sees martial arts not just as a sport, but a way of bringing many much-needed skills and resources to our town; skills such as discipline, resilience, dedication, self-confidence, and more. BBDQ observed time and again how martial arts helps the lives that it touches, and they want to give the opportunity to whoever wants it.

With that goal in mind, BBDQ chose this year to head up the Crow Wing County Fair’s milk booth stand right in the center of the fair. BBDQ will put any proceeds earned at the milk booth right toward funding and helping local kids attend free martial arts classes sponsored for and by BBDQ.

Right now, BBDQ is searching for sponsors to help head up this project and continue the goal of having a fun, family-oriented milk booth this August. Business sponsors who participate will have their logo put up on the milk booth banner, with ranking tiers for the levels of sponsorship available on BBDQ’s website. If you’re an individual interested in supporting them, the paylink below will take you to the low donation of only $20!

Any and all help given is going directly toward building the Brainerd area’s future! By growing strong, safe, happy children, we create a better community for everyone. With the power of martial arts, we can do that together.

If you follow this link, it will take you to where you can directly donate! Thank you for considering! 

Learn more about Black Belts Don't Quit here!

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