
23 Ways to Stress Less This Summer

Read on to be inspired as to how you can experience less stress this summer.

By Arianna Larson June 24, 2023

With the summer solstice having just happened on June 21, 2023 it's got me wondering how we are nearly through June already. I don't know about you, but I want to soak in these long, hot summer days and nights as long as I can. Maybe summer is a bit bittersweet for you because the kids are out of school, schedules are "off," or your kids are in a week of this followed by a week of that. It can be a bit stressful when things are different, so I wanted to share a list of 23 ways you can stress less for the rest of the 2023 summer. Read on to find your inspiration in the list below!

1. Leave the dishes in the sink. They'll still be there later, perhaps even tomorrow. But those after supper giggles while enjoying a few more minutes outside? They might not be here for much longer.

2. Engage in play. Sometimes it's the last thing we want to do and in those moments it might just be the most important.

3. Laugh more. 

4. Turn up the beat and dance. Something about summer has me feeling nostalgic when it comes to music. Maybe it's not really the summer of 2006 anymore (thankfully?!) but play the songs that bring you back to when it was easier and more carefree. 

5. Practice grounding-- i.e. the act of walking outside barefoot. Whether or not the studies on its effects are accurate isn't the important part. Have you ever noticed how happy kids are as they run around outside barefoot? Pure joy.

6. Be flexible.

7. Meet up with friends. By yourself. With your kids. A mixture of both. Find what is the least stressful way for you to have adult interaction then make it a priority.

8. If doing too much causes you stress, remember it's okay to say "yes" less.

9. The sprinkler outside your house is just as good as the splash pad elsewhere. Kids are really resourceful and can make do with less if given the chance. Bonus to not have to load the kids up and travel to and from.

10. Eat meals outside. Oh, your kid knocked over their cup of water again? Not as big of a deal when there's no mess to clean up!

11. Purge excess things in your house. Maybe it's because your kids are home and you are just now noticing how much stuff they actually have. Summer is a great time to do a sweep through everyone's rooms and gathering areas. Less to clean, less to put away, less to fight over... less stress!

12. Double cook your meals. Enjoying a beautiful day and don't want to go in to cook dinner yet again? Plan ahead by cooking a double batch of a family favorite and freeze half for a quick heat and serve dinner!

13. Smile. Smiling's my favorite.

14. Remember to drink your water! Water is especially important in the summer months, duh, but it's amazing how much more stressful something can feel when we forget to supply our body with what it needs most. Drink up, friends!

15. Blow some bubbles. Imagine the stress just floating away. 

16. Walk outside, preferably near a source of water. We live in a beautiful geographical location. Walking next to a body of water is just oh, so calming.

17. Have one rest day a week. Set aside a full day in which you don't touch your to-do list. You scroll less, or not at all. I'm talking do the bare minimum and just enjoy being productive in a new way because yes, rest is productive for us!

18. Be present in the moment.

19. Set up "quiet time." It can be for 30 mins, an hour, or two. Whatever you deem necessary in your family. Each child gets their own room or space. Mom (and dad) are off limits during that time. Everyone needs a break from each other from time to time, but probably more so during the summer months when the family is relearning how to be with each other so much more.

20. Make time to do something as a family that you can all enjoy together. Create the memories while you still can.

21. Have a bedtime for your kids (and you!) during the summer. It is OKAY! Not everything has to go out the window just because it's summer break. I can't think of a faster way to introduce stress into my life than to have an overtired child.

22. Don't take yourself too seriously.

23. Share with your kids something you are proud of or noticed in them each day. Encouragement and passing on positivity can do wonders for our stress levels. Try it.   

I hope you enjoyed this list of 23 ways to stress less this summer. You deserve it! Be inspired then inspire others.

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