
When "Resolutions" May Not Be Your Thing... Try This

By Arianna Larson January 4, 2023

Another new year is upon us! And like much of all of that snow out there, it just feels fresh. Something about a fresh start can help put things into perspective. At the end of 2018 I stumbled across the idea of one word. Instead of setting resolutions, you choose one word you want to focus on for the year ahead. You can pray on it, meditate on it, manifest it-- whatever suits you. Not a huge fan of resolutions as is, I was eager to try this that coming new year instead. I had settled on my word, made myself sticky notes and placed them all over my home for the visual reminder, and told my spouse and closest friends. I wanted to maximize all roads to accountability. While nothing obviously changed over night, I definitely saw the value on honing in on one word verses a larger idea as a whole. 

The word I chose that year was "slow." I still have very vivid moments from that year in which I did in fact slow myself. Maybe it was from speeding (again) or slowing before responding to something I misinterpreted or didn't agree with. Feeling like it had enough of an affect on me that year, I chose to do one word the next year thereafter. 

The year of "slow" was followed by "tone" which was followed by "love." "Love" was a big year! This past year was a year of "peace." 

I have enjoyed doing this myself so much that this year I made it a family activity. I used some leftover wrapping paper (if I don't, my kids for sure will use it!) and traced one of my children on to it. As a family we talked about words we wanted to "embody" this year. (In my head, we would have all picked out one word and wrote it on to the body, but sometimes kids have their own ideas, right?) Instead, my girls took the idea and ran with it. All in all, I think we came up with 20ish words or virtues we want to embody. I then hung it up for them in a spot that is easily seen by all. I can't wait to see where these one words take my family! 

Do you, dear reader, want to join in on this version of one word? Simple! Just follow these steps.

  • Grab a big piece of paper or cardboard
  • Get out the markers, pens, colored pencils (we busted out mom's off limits Sharpie's for this project!)
  • Trace your child 
  • Discuss positive words you want to DO or BE (some examples include but are not limited to: love, peace, joy, hope, strong, grow, kind, positive, calm, rest, wonder, inspire, mentor, together, no, yes, etc.)
  • Hang the project proudly to admire, ponder, and encourage :) ENJOY!